A design and drawings for a planning application for an animal vistor centre near Exmoor. The design of the landscape was a reflection of the surrounding countryside. This included a hedgerow which was specifically grown in the local area, wildlfie boxes which were suited to near by haitat and much more.

The landscape area of North Devon is known as ‘The Culm’. The description within the National Character Area (NCA) is as follows: “Rhôs pasture (or Culm as it is known in Devon), is characterised most particularly by purple moor grass, the tussocky deciduous grass which gives Culm its distinctive pale brown colour in winter, and for which it is sometimes locally known as the ‘white lands’ (e.g.. Whiteleigh Meadow - white meadow). On most Culm sites this grass shares prominence with rushes, particularly sharp-flowered
The landscape scheme followed the principles of the description of the NCA written above. The opportunites were as follows:
Environmental enhancements
• Establish wildlife connections by using features such as hedge bank
• Deliver land management and habitat linkages
• Create new habitats
• Support biodiversity
Landscape and character
• Conservation of landscape character
• Support the historic environment
• Maintain the tranquillity and the a sense of wildness
• Maintain the pattern and distribution of settlement carefully by locating new development and to avoid clutter and visual intrusion
• Promote the use of local vernacular building materials, proportions and sizes, using this understanding to inspire locally-distinctive and sustainable development
• Carefully planning the location of new woodland, tree planting and land-cover to maintain a sense of openness
• Maintain the open character
• Use and replicate natural and semi-natural landscape features, such as hedge banks, and grassland to help integrate new development
Public engagement
• Create links and engagement with user groups
• Improve access throughout the rights of way network to promote the enjoyment, awareness and understanding of less well-known sites and features. This will accommodate and diffuse tourism pressures in order to maintain existing levels of tranquillity,remoteness and landscape character
• Encourage access to, and interpretation and understanding of,cultural, natural and heritage assets by all sections of the community,to enable better current and future management and planning of the environment. Delivering the purposes of the North Devon AONB and Cornwall AONB to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape
• Promote access to the natural environment making the most natural, historic, inspirational and tranquil places available



July 13, 2019

Testimonial from client:

"Arthur is a joy to work with. All too often the difference between the stated values of a company and those that are actually lived and breathed is quite a gulf. Not with Arthur, who was true to his values of environmental enhancements, sustainability, well-being and connection to nature from the very beginning of the project. They shine through in everything that he so skilfully delivers, resulting in a very individual project that is expertly researched and delivered ensuring that it is sympathetic to the surrounding area and habitats, whilst complementing and enhancing the local environs . Arthur is a pleasure to work with and I would recommend him without hesitation. "